PatchCAD is constantly evolving. New features get added continuously, changes are being made to improve workflow and functionality, and bugs are being addressed. You can see the full list of changes here:
Version 3.0.30
- FIX Merge cells is allowed over a gap column if the gap column is the last cell in the selection
- FIX Patchbay Top and Bottom padding is not saved with the project file
- FIX Export Wiring Schedule adds gap columns to the export list
Version 3.0.29
- ADD Added Terminal Panel socket types: USB C, etherCON RJ45, etherCON CAT5E, etherCON CAT6, etherCON CAT6A, opticalCON DUO, opticalCON QUAD, opticalCON MTP 12, opticalCON MTP 24, EDAC 20, EDAC 38, EDAC 56, EDAC 90 and EDAC 120.
Version 3.0.28
- ADD Override page margins option for special printers like label printers
- ADD Support for more bracket lines styles
- ADD Main styles of bracket lines styles support keyboard shortcuts
- FIX Templates and Preview docks close button doesn’t affect the show/hide state in the menu
- FIX Preview in the main editor window showing main cutting guides
- FIX Font doesn’t look the same as on the screen when exporting project to PDF
- FIX Error when exporting project to Excel if patchbay names contain illegal Excel characters
Version 3.0.27
- ADD Print Overview mode in Print window
- ADD Show list of added/updated templates after templates download
- ADD Print window settings are saved throughout the session
- CHANGE It is now possible to change the background of a gap cell in a patchbay
- FIX Creating/editing a custom template in inches can produce incorrect results in Stereo Layout
Version 3.0.26
- FIX Creating/editing a custom template in inches can produce incorrect results in Stereo Layout
Version 3.0.25
- ADD Cell text colour and background colour selectors show current cell’s colour
- CHANGE Change to main window toolbar allows resizing of main window and folding of the toolbar
- CHANGE Improvement to required fields indicators in Edit Custom Template window
- FIX Delete Template button is enabled when creating a new template
Version 3.0.24
- ADD Auto-Fit Text
- FIX Reliability and memory management improvement
Version 3.0.23
- ADD Page information panel in Print window
- FIX Hanging in Print window when PatchCAD Units settings is set to inches
- FIX PDF page size too big when exporting to PDF in Project Preview window
- FIX Cell bracket lines overflow the print preview area in Print window
- FIX Significant improvement to memory management throughout PatchCAD
Version 3.0.22
- ADD New Color Picker with Grid, Color Wheel, RGB Sliders and HEX Value support
- ADD Cells menu with cells content actions
- CHANGE Improved representation of cell bracket line and text orientation in the menu
- CHANGE Improved default font handling on macOS and Windows
- CHANGE Improved memory management throughout
- CHANGE Patchbay editor now includes extra space for horizontal scrollbar in macOS
- FIX Crash on some Windows 10 system at startup
- FIX Crash when saving project under specific circumstances
- FIX Copy & paste doesn’t copy bracket line settings
- FIX Paste of a merged cell doesn’t always merge the destination range
Version 3.0.18
- ADD Support for macOS and Windows
- ADD New UI with Hi-DPI support
- ADD Undo/Redo functionality per patchbay
- ADD Printing a long patchbay across the same patch
- ADD Built-in PDF export and printing support
- ADD Sorting patchbays in a project
- ADD Undo/Redo functionality per patchbay
- ADD Support for upper and lower padding in a patchbay template
- ADD Context menu for quick editing
- ADD Stereo auto-complete
- ADD Improved patchbay rendering
- ADD PatchCAD Viewer
:: Version 2
- FIX Stack Overflow error when pasting a range of cells that conflicts with another merged cell range size
- FIX Improved handling of corrupted project file parsing
- ADD Backwards compatibility for future version of PatchCAD
- FIX Cell not updated when selecting a different patchbay while cell is in edit mode
- FIX Save As doesn’t add the file to the recently open files list
- CHANGE Recently open files list now shows last 10 projects
- FIX Incorrect parsing of numbers under certain regional settings in Windows.
- CHANGE Licensing mechanism upgrade
- FIX Corrupted encoding of double-byte language characters in Notes
- FIX Corrupted encoding of double-byte language characters in Notes
- FIX Gap between patchbays when printing panels with more than one row in No Gap mode
- CHANGE Improved drawing of more than one patchbay on a page
- FIX Message when too many license activations have been reached
- FIX Corrupted encoding of double-byte language characters
- NEW PRO – Export Wiring Schedule to Excel.
- CHANGE Licensing mechanism upgraded.
- FIX Text input is formatted as date under rare circumstances.
- FIX Open PatchCAD website change log page when change.log file is missing.
- CHANGE Socket lettering improved to exclude the letters I and O to avoid confusion.
- NEW PRO – Change the orientation of the termination panel sockets illustration.
- NEW Socket row lettering per project in Settings.
- FIX When changing template, the rack name is copied over to the new template.
- FIX When changing template, the side notes are not copied correctly.
- FIX Double-clicking on system properties, patchbay name and patchbay rack name copies its content to the clipboard.
- FIX “Index Outside Bounds” error after deleting contents of a cell which already had some data.
- NEW PRO – Export Wiring Schedule to Excel.
- CHANGE Licensing mechanism upgraded.
- FIX Text input is formatted as date under rare circumstances.
- FIX Open PatchCAD website change log page when change.log file is missing.
- CHANGE Socket lettering improved to exclude the letters I and O to avoid confusion.
- NEW PRO – Change the orientation of the termination panel sockets illustration.
- NEW Socket row lettering per project in Settings.
- FIX When changing template, the rack name is copied over to the new template.
- FIX When changing template, the side notes are not copied correctly.
- FIX Double-clicking on system properties, patchbay name and patchbay rack name copies its content to the clipboard.
- FIX “Index Outside Bounds” error after deleting contents of a cell which already had some data.
- NEW Option to select sockets numbering format in Settings.
- NEW Double-click on project properties to open Project Properties window.
- NEW Double-click on patchbay name or patchbay’s rack name to rename.
- CHANGE If no project is open when adding a patchbay, PatchCAD will offer to start a new project.
- FIX Disregard formulas when pasting from Excel or when entering into a cell.
- FIX PatchCAD forgets Pro status after opening Settings window.
- NEW New Zoom functionality includes to automatic zoom to fit.
- NEW PatchCAD saves zoom level/setting on exit and restores when lauched.
- CHANGE Improved display of patchbay preview in the main window (now with scroll bars when required).
- CHANGE Export to Image/PDF/Excel functions have been moved to the new Project Preview window.
- FIX Error when launching PatchCAD on a smaller screen resolution than the ones user last time PatchCAD was used.
- NEW Ignore Borders option for Single Row print mode for label printers where the label is taller than the label printer’s printing margins.
- NEW New settings – set the direction of the Enter key to Right or Down.
- NEW Added a Rack Name property to a patchbay.
- CHANGE In cases where the printer driver doesn’t report a valid default paper size, a default paper size of the local region will be selected.
- FIX PatchCAD mistakingly thinks new templates are available and redownloads existing templates.
- FIX Error when editing a custom template.
- NEW Horizontal vertically stacked text orientation.
- NEW Support for diagonal printing.
- NEW Support for printing without gaps between rows and patchbays.
- FIX Error when printing/exporting a patchbay with notes.
- FIX Background not drawn when a “cell” has an image.
- CHANGE Recently open projects list now includes the currently saved project.
- FIX Images not saving properly in the .pcad file.
- NEW Warning in the Socket Configuration window about using appropriate socket types.
- FIX Images not saving properly in the .pcad file.
- FIX Custom templates suggestion submition now works correctly.
- FIX Notes text can become invisible when pasted from certain other software.
- NEW Addition of 32A powerCON inlet and outlet to Socket Configuration.
- FIX PatchCAD asks to redownload existing templates.
- FIX Some patchbays overlap vertically when printing of exporting.
- FIX Error when closing local Patchbay Properties window on Windows 10
- FIX “Object reference not set to instance of an object.” error when creating new project on Windows 10
- NEW PatchCAD split into two – PatchCAD and PatchCAD Pro.
- NEW Change template of a patchbay in a project.
- NEW Selecting which patchbays to print in the Print window.
- NEW Holding ALT when changing font, font size, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough or capilization will apply to the whole patchay.
- NEW Holding SHIFT when changing bold, italic, underline or strikethrough will set all the cells to the same state as opposed to flipping the individual cell’s state.
- NEW Word Wrap support.
- NEW Cutting guide thickness in the Settings window.
- NEW Titles color in Settings window.
- NEW Patchbay titles now print on every page if the patchbay is split across more than one page.
- NEW PatchCAD remembers state of Templates Manager, Preview and Notes panels when opening from previous time.
- NEW Recently open projects list when clicking on the Open Project button in the toolbar.
- NEW PRO – Add notes above and below a patchbay.
- NEW PRO – Borders type – solid, bold solid, dotted, dashed.
- NEW PRO – Insert image into a cell.
- NEW PRO – Configure type of socket for termination panels and draw realistic previews with labels.
- NEW Set unit of measure automatically to the current region’s conventions on first launch reset.
- CHANGE Redesigned, more compact, toolbar.
- CHANGE Redesigned Settings window.
- CHANGE Performance improvements.
- CHANGE Fractioned font sizes allowed.
- CHANGE PRO – Export to Image, PDF and Excel include “Include Notes” option.
- FIX Second patchbay on the second and following pages are offset when mixed templates are used.
- FIX Templates and .pcad files no longer locked for single instance access. More that one instance of PatchCAD can run simultaneously.
- FIX Left- and right hand side notes’ formatting does not restorecorrectly.
- FIX Left- and right hand side notes don’t duplicate correctly when duplicating a patchbay in a project.
- FIX Left- and right hand side bottom horizontal cutting guide isn’t drawn when printing without sockets.
:: Version 1
- CHANGE Additional test for checking if computer is connected to the Internet.
- FIX Normalling doesn’t work under certain conditions.
- NEW Print one label row at a time per patchbay for label printers support.
- NEW Improved sorting logic of the Templates Manager list.
- NEW Global settings option to number preview sockets per row or per patchbay.
- CHANGE Improved layout of the Print window.
- FIX On multiple screens, text colour and background colour drop down pickers appear on the main screen only.
- FIX Normalling symbols don’t work on patchbays with a single line per row.
- CHANGE Attempt to fix multi-screen text colour and background colour drop down pop up position.
- NEW All Borders button
- NEW Improved parallel marking allows for up- and down-facing symbols.
- NEW Additinonal symbols added to the Insert Symbol window.
- CHANGE Improved drawing of parallel markings.
- FIX Parallel symbols not working correctly when patchbay designation strip has a single line.
- FIX Error when a full stop is entered into the “divide each stip into rows” field.
- FIX Holes cutting guides overlap in Print All Patchbays mode.
- NEW Ability to print out patchbay labels without sockets.
- FIX When PatchCAD first launched, two messages appear for downloading the templates database instead of just one.
- CHANGE Increased size of the “Project Name” display field.
- FIX Improved templates download process – possible error if downloading a new templates database while the old one hasn’t finished loading.
- CHANGE Patchbays of Data type render with square sockets in the preview window.
- FIX Improved paste functionality.
- FIX Bold, Italic, Underline and Strikeout functions did not update the preview.
- FIX Possible error if downloading a new templates database while the old one hasn’t finished loading.
- FIX Shortuts tooltip window wrong height.
- CHANGE Improved toolbar buttons logic.
- FIX Patchbay cell widths are processed incorrectly in the custom template editor.
- NEW Support for entering text in the designation strip padding areas.
- FIX Incorrectly load stereo-spaced patchbays from a saved file.
- FIX Disabled tragging cells.
- FIX In template editor, first cell incorrectly marked in red on stereo-sapced and custom layout patchbays.
- NEW New custom template editor!
- NEW Support for stereo-spaced patchbay layout.
- NEW Support for multiple gaps in a patchbay layout.
- CHANGE PatchCAD now checks for new patchbay templates at lauch.
- CHANGE Improved check for updates.
- FIX User tamplates unavailble if main templates are not present.
- FIX Check for valid input when prompted for how many rows to divide the patchbay to when adding a patchbay.
- FIX In a project with patchbays of different heights, when removing a patchbay from the project, the patchbay heights would be incorrect.
- CHANGE Improved check for PatchCAD and temapltes updates.
- FIX Error when clicking on Create before patchbays database was loaded.
- FIX Incorrectly drawing cells on patchbays with one line per row.
- FIX Right maing cutting guide incorrectly positioned when a patchbay fits on a single page.
- NEW Ability to write inside the divider column on patchbays that have a dividing gap.
- NEW Hint label when a project isn’t open to click on New Project to add patchbays.
- CHANGE Allow auto number/letter/complete functions across more than one row and cells that span more than one row.
- CHANGE Toolbar icons rearranged to show auto number, letter and complete buttons together.
- CHANGE Updated shortcuts toolbar.
- FIX Error on launch under certain conditions.
- NEW New templates manager panel.
- FIX Automatically redownload templates database file if PatchCAD detects that it is corrupted.
- FIX Going back to the main window without choosing a colour on the text and background colour pickers leaves the picker form open in the background.
- NEW Support for more than two lines per designation strip.
- NEW Filter patchbays by type
- CHANGE List of patchbays doesn’t show the numbers of rows a label strip is split into. Instead PatchCAD will ask how many lines to split the strip into when adding a patchbay.
- FIX Potential error when using auto-complete on an empty cell.
- NEW Support for printing multiple patchbays on one page.
- FIX Improved validation of values when creating a custom patchbay.
- CHANGE Improved auto-copmplete functionality now increments that last number within any phrase.
- NEW Save As dialogue pre-fills in the file name of the current project file name.
- CHANGE Turning off main cutting guides removes left and right padding on the paper for printing on zero-margin printers.
- FIX Paper size list does not populate correctly.
- FIX More accurate positioning of drawing on paper.
- NEW Capitalize, Upper Case and Lower Case buttons.
- FIX Error when exporting to Excel with no names given to patchbays.
- NEW Option to select a border color.
- CHANGE Prevent saving a template if the make and model already exist.
- FIX Shortcuts button tooltip corrected to say “Show/Hide Shortcuts (F8)” as it should! Thank you Nicolas A.
- FIX Changing font with a style that doesn’t support a cell’s current style causes an error. Thank you Nicolas A.
- FIX Wrong dimensions rendered when PatchCAD is used in territories where decimal point is wiritten using a comma sign. Thank you Matthias S.!!!
- FIX Reset zoom doesn’t work when zoomed out below 100%.
- FIX Custom patchbay with bad values is no longer permitted.
- FIX Word wrapping causes text to justify to the left. Thank you Zoe P.
- FIX Possible crash when pasting a range with vertical border.
- FIX Focus back on the last selected patchbay if Add Patchbay dialog is cancelled.
- Happy Birthday PatchCAD!
:: Pre-Release Beta
- FIX Error when downloading templates for the first time.
- FIX Check for Updates button disabled when no templates are present in the Add Patchbays window.
- FIX Moving focus to the first patchbay in a project will set the sroll of the editor to the very top.
- CHANGE Improved handling of pasting of the license key into the activation window.
- NEW Tool tip hits for patchbay local buttons.
- CHANGE “System” labels renamed to “Project”.
- CHANGE Support webpage link updated.
- FIX Error when retrieving latest version information.
- FIX Potential error when merging factory and user templates.
- CHANGE Improved machanism for checking is templates file is up to date.
- FIX Improve handling of access to the templates file. No longer locks file is it is corrupted.
- NEW Clear formatting button.
- FIX Auto complete numbers/letters generates an error when a cell contains only a space character.
- NEW Export to image/Excel/PDF uses saved filename as default name for export file.
- NEW Import selected patchbays from a saved PatchCAD file.
- NEW Auto complete numbers/letters function.
- FIX Paste outside patchbay bounds is no longer permited.
- FIX Paste performed incorrectly when merged cells existed in the pasted range.
- NEW Save settings for customs text and background colors.
- NEW Indicaion of how many columns and rows are selected.
- CHANGE Color picker for text and background colors now support custom colors.
- CHANGE Focus rectangle changes to thing dotted square when patchbay isn’t selected.
- CHANGE Button statuses get updated as selection is being made with a mouse.
- CHANGE Removed Paper Source and replaced with a printing settings dialog.
- CHANGE Removed print copies.
- CHANGE Checking “Print all patchbays” disables print range.
- FIX Pasting values with letters into custom patchbay dimensions causes error.
- FIX Flickering when opening the Add Patchbay dialog.
- FIX When paste range overlapped with a gap in the patchbay, the data would overwrie read-only cells.
- FIX Print from/to pages wasn’t working properly.
- FIX Patchbay is not saves as “custom” when is not saved as template first
Version 0.3.9
- NEW Export options for Export to Image, Excel and PDF
- FIX Saving patchbay system which included a patchbay with no picture generated an error
- FIX Patchbay system revision saved incorrectly
Version 0.3.8
- NEW Context menu for patchbay with options for rename, duplicate and properties
- CHANGE Shortcut to navigate between patchbay is Ctrl+Up/Down arrows
- CHANGE Open and save dialogs start in the last used folder
- FIX Shortcuts window received focus
- FIX Error when adding a patchbay with no picture
- FIX Shortcuts shortcut key corrected!
Version 0.3.7
- NEW Support for editing user patchbays
- FIX Editor area does not resize properly and leaves blank space when a patchbay is deleted
Version 0.3.6
- NEW Global settings windows
- NEW Support for inches/millimeters
- NEW Support for changing default preview colors (background, borders, holes)
- NEW Paste without formatting
- CHANGE Larger selection border for better visibility
- FIX Serial fill bug
- FIX Paste bug
Version 0.3.5
- FIX Licensing mechanism bug
Version 0.3.4
- NEW Automatic update
- NEW Submission of custom user patchbay templates
- FIX Licensning mechanism bug
Version 0.3.3
- NEW Export to Excel
- FIX Issue with normalling
Version 0.3.2
- FIX Templates editior bug
- FIX Split buttons drawing issue
Version 0.3.0
- NEW Shortucts list toolbar
- NEW About window
- FIX Error message when no printers are installed